Art Talk Bus Stop


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Air date: 
Wed, 03/25/2020 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Art Talk Bus Stop Episode 2 with Ryan Pierce - Image
Episode 2: Ryan Pierce

Art Talk Bus Stop is a serial 30-minute podcast produced by a group of students and educators based out of Reynolds High School in Troutdale, OR, just outside of Portland. The students are enrolled in the Reynolds Gallery of Contemporary Art (RoCA), where they learn professional arts management skills by organizing and producing gallery shows, fundraisers and events under the mentorship of their teacher Katie Sullivan. The podcast is produced by artist and facilitator Erica Thomas and the students in the program.

Each month we interview with an artist, curator, musician, maker, or creative worker about their job. Students learn to research and ask interesting questions, how to run the tech, produce and edit the show, and promote new episodes. They do most of the interviewing themselves with mentorship and guidance from their teacher and me. Visit the SoundCloud page for full episodes



Ryan Pierce's vivid, large-scale paintings depict our world recovering from human industry. He draws on influences from ecological theory, literature, and folk art to create scenes that portray the resilience of the natural world. Pierce is the co-founder, with activist Amy Harwood, of Signal Fire, a group that facilitates wilderness residencies and retreats for artists of all disciplines.
instagram: @tarp_tarmac

Gallery Representation: Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Portland
Reynolds Gallery of Contemporary Art @reynoldsartshow & Art Teacher Katie Sullican @sullyvisions

Produced by Erica Thomas

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