Let’s Talk About Race Halloween Show: The Scary Reality of Eugenics



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Air date: 
Fri, 10/30/2020 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

The current episode of Let’s Talk About Race (LTAR) is our trick or treat show. The treat: offering free medical procedures in return for probation or shorten sentences. The trick: you are sterilized, your uterus is removed, or you have an unauthorized vasectomy.  Forced sterilization is back in the news with recent allegations of forced hysterectomies at the Irwin County Detention Center in Georgia.  “Think about it within the context of eugenics. Immigrant women at the border are being sterilized, and racial hygiene is the ultimate motivation,” explains LTAR Host Professor Johnson.  In efforts to energize his white supremacist base, Trump is endorsing race-based eugenics “racehorse theory,” causing outrage amongst Jewish leaders.  "Ironically, the party that claims to be pro-life is strangely silent."  


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