Many Americans feel compelled, out of a sense of civic duty, to take in the
annual State of the Union address. Sadly, this year, those Americans will be
treated to a grotesque farce. Abe and Joe take your calls.
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Air traffic controllers stopped showing up for work — and just like that,
the government shutdown was over. It was a moment when workers remembered
they have power. Will America see it for what it is? Some local fascists —
Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys — seem to have ta...
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While attention has been focused on Trump’s wall and the shut-down federal
government, the Mueller investigation has slogged along. Two new articles
show us just how alarmed the Feds were about the Trump campaign’s
involvement with Russia, and the lengths to which the presi...
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As the Trump circus lumbers along, real consequences follow in its wake. A
little girl died in Border Patrol custody last week, and the mass
incarceration of children goes on. Abe and Joe take your calls.
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