Programmer Blogs


KBOO's Public Affairs Director, Membership Director and Station Manager share their KBOO Vision

Airs at: Thu, 10/05/2023 at 8:00am - 9:00am
  Hear a little bit from three people who are at the forefront of KBOO Community Radio today.   Find out what's new and what's needed at KBOO Community Radio -- and how you can get involved. This is KBOO’s annual FALL Membership Drive! Help us reach our goal of $55,000 ... Read more

Greg Palast Returns

Produced for Presswatch
About time I wrote a KBOO blog post....   Greg Palast is going to join me tomorrow (9AM Pacific, Thursday April 25th 2018) to talk about the Koch brothers' extensive, AI-driven, antidemocratic machinations.  We know from Greg exactly how the Republicans stole the last Pre... Read more