Why we need to make the Holgate Channel & Ross Island Lagoon wake-free or
non-motorized zones - and what that means.
Between Ross Island and the east bank of the Willamette lies the Holgate
Channel, a patch of natural paradise only a couple miles south of downtown
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Thirty years ago this country's nuclear program came to a halt after the
disasterous accident and meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear facility
in Pennsylvania. Since then we are still debating how to safely store in
perpetuity countless tons of high level radioactive ...
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Hosted by Clayton Morgareidge, this program focuses on opportunities to shape
what's ahead in the Obama years. We hear from labor journalist Sam
Pizzigati about the promise of the President's budget proposal; from
Environmentalist Mary Wood about what we must do to keep th...
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To save the planet, what do we have to do and how soon do we have to do it?
What can citiizens do to keep the CO2 levels in the atmosphere below the
tipping point -- where it might be too late? Enviornmental Law Professor
Mary Wood says we must all act now. She talks wit...
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The most sustainable energy is local energy. David Morris of the Institute
for Local Self-Reliance talks with the Old Mole's Bill Resnick about why this
is so, and how it would generate not only power but participatory
You can read Morris's report Energy Self-R...
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Chris Andrea talks to us about climate change with her guests Peter
Scoonmaker of the Illahee Instatute, Danyall Lurch of the Post Carbon
Instatute, Mark Rabinowits of Oil Empire Renound and Olivia Shmit (via phone)
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