

Banking on Justice: Laboring in the Financial Sector

Airs at: Sun, 05/10/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Labor Radio
Co-hosts Al Bradbury and Deborah Schwartz bring you a Membership Drive special on labor in the financial sector.  Banks get bailed out and workers get left out!  As our economy spiraled out of control, the eight Big Banks received a total of $125 Billion in taxpayer funds. ... Read more

Tonight on Labor Radio!

KBOO Labor Radio Subscribe to Labor Radio Collective Email: Visit this group ... Read more

The Importance of Mother's Day

Airs at: Thu, 05/07/2009 at 12:00am
Produced for Bread and Roses
Bridget B. here, and this edition of Bread & Roses was all about The Importance of Mother's Day; it's actual meaning and how you can get involved to make a difference. Given that this show fell right before Mother's Day, or on Mother's Day in other countries, I wanted to br... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 04/29/09

Airs at: Wed, 04/29/2009 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
May 1, 2009 marks the 123rd anniversary of a rally for the eight-hour day in Chicago's Haymarket Square that ended with a police riot that left over a dozen dead. The political trial and hanging of four anarchists that followed sparked protests around the world and the desi... Read more

May Day Talk Radio

Airs at: Thu, 04/30/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Positively Revolting
A special Talk Radio celebrating May Day, the International Workers' Holiday. The host is Joe Uris. Tune in and call in with your take on May Day! Joe's guests are members of the local group, General Strike. Since 1987 General Strike has played on picket lines, at union ral... Read more

Interview with Kent Wong from UCLA's Center for Labor Research and Education

Airs at: Thu, 04/30/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for APA Compass
Priya Kandaswamy's live interview with Kent Wong for APA Compass' May Day Special, discussing current labor issues facing Asian Pacific Americans. Read more

Interview with Joyce Yang from KIWA

Airs at: Thu, 04/30/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for APA Compass
Elaine Cha interviews Joyce Yang from the Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance about her experiences becoming an organizer and KIWA's current campaigns and planned activities for May Day Read more

Interview with Bethany Leal from MIWON

Airs at: Thu, 04/30/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for APA Compass
Sudarat Musikawong talks with Bethany Leal about Multiethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network about their latest activities and planned actions for May Day Read more

Interview with filmmaker Tze Chun about his film Children of Invention

Airs at: Thu, 04/02/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for APA Compass
APA Compass collective member Toni Tabora-Roberts interviews filmmaker Tze Chun. His film Children of Invention was the Opening Night Film of the DisOrient Asian American Film Festival in April 2009. Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for April 27, 2009

Airs at: Sun, 04/26/2009 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 This program hosted by Bill Resnick deals with the incarceration of immigrants, prosecuting those responsible for torture, the secular resistance in Iraq, and organizing Trimet riders, and features the music of Casey Neill. To hear the entire program, click on the arrow ab... Read more