


Buscando America on 11/27/18

Airs at: Tue, 11/27/2018 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Produced for Buscando America
  Carmelo Ramos miembro de Guardianes de la tierra México habla sobre los  migrantes que se encuentran en Tijuana y sobre lo que le tocó ver de la caravana en su paso por CDMX.  Javier Sierra habla sobre la situación en la frontera,  los incendios forestales en California ... Read more

Dean Spade at the Queer Radical Past Conference; and Penny Arcade returns to Portland

Airs at: Tue, 11/27/2018 at 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Produced for Preference
Today, we'll hear a talk by Dean Spade, Seattle-based acivist, writer, attorney, and organizer. Dean gave this talk as part of the Queer Radical Past conference at Amherst in February. Dean discusses solidarity across identities and across borders; the non-profit industry; ... Read more

The Holy Crowley Hour

Airs at: Mon, 11/26/2018 at 11:00pm - Tue, 11/27/2018 at 12:00am
Produced for The Holy Crowley Hour
On tonight's Holy Crowley Hour, we totally ignore Thanksgiving and celebrate a great local podcast, The Diarist, a multi-episode, serialized podcast set in 1950s New York City. The lead character, Andrea Davies, is a young secretary described in the first episode as “a fish... Read more

Episode 71. It Takes A Village To Make It About Me. ft. IMIA

Airs at: Tue, 11/20/2018 at 12:00am - Fri, 11/30/2018 at 12:00am
Produced for Village Vibes Podcast
Vibers- tune in this week to hear Mary Jane and Andrè stop by the studio as K&B engage in ABSOLUTE FOOLERY!! This episode is all shade and all jokes, sprinkled with ~special guests~ @imiamour and background singer/contributor @rastaroo! Imia is sharing her insta secrets and... Read more

'Trans Dudes with Lady Cancer'; and Alyssa Pariah on Trump's proposed "

Airs at: Tue, 10/23/2018 at 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Produced for Preference
  From the Merc: "Oregon filmmakers Brooks Nelson and Yee Won Chong are trans men and housemates who were both diagnosed with 'lady cancer' around the same time. They decided to see t he strange coincdence as an educational opportunity, and chronicled their treatment in ... Read more

Cunning Minx of Polyamory Weekly this Week on Transpostive PDX

Airs at: Tue, 10/16/2018 at 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Produced for Transpositive PDX
Cunning Minx of Polyamory Weekly,  Charlotte Coloumbe and Jessie Grey  This Week on Transpositive PDX! Tuesday, October 16, 6pm  on KBOO Community Radio 90.7 FM in Portland or online at Transgender and Poly Polyamory is the ability or capacity to love more than one p... Read more

Oregon Housing Conference on Supportive Housing

Airs at: Mon, 10/15/2018 at 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Produced for Evening News
    The Mental Health Association of Portland hosted the Oregon Housing Conference on Supportive Housing in Portland today. ‘Supportive housing’ is housing for people with mental illness or addiction, usually including on-site clinicians and case workers. KBOO’s Joe Meye... Read more

Portlanders Protest Pinkwashing of Israeli Military

Airs at: Mon, 10/15/2018 at 5:00pm - 5:15pm
Produced for Evening News
    The first transgender officer in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) visited Portland last week, and his appearance was greeted by protesters opposed to the pinkwashing (using a positive association with the LGBTQIA+ community to distract from bad behavior) of the Israel... Read more

The Return of Public Ownership in the US

Airs at: Mon, 10/08/2018 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Laurie Mercier interviews Thomas Hanna, Research Director of the Democracy Collaborative, about democratic ownership and public banking. Hanna is author of the new book Our common wealth: The return of public ownership in the United States; a recent piece “We Need Public Ow... Read more

Eros v Capitalism

Airs at: Mon, 10/08/2018 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Clayton Morgareidge discusses the way life in capitalist society limits our ability to take erotic pleasure in life and how a life of freedom from wage labor could make all life, including work, pleasurable.  You can read an expanded version of this commentary here.  Read more