


Misogynoir Transformed: Misogynoir Transformed Black Women’s Digital Resistance

Airs at: Fri, 07/09/2021 at 10:00am - 10:30am
Produced for Radiozine
  Black feminist and activist Moya Bailey coined the term “Misogynoir” in 2008 to discuss the discrimination black women face every day. This discrimination often comes in the form of stereotypes that have existed since slavery that affect all black women at every level ... Read more

Black feminist and activist Moya Bailey: Misogynoir Transformed

Airs at: Fri, 07/09/2021 at 10:00am - 10:30am
Produced for Radiozine
Black feminist and activist Moya Bailey coined the term “Misogynoir” in 2008 to describe the discrimination black women face every day and in particular in new, internet and visual media. This discrimination often comes in the form of stereotypes that have existed since sla... Read more

Buscando America on 07/06/21

Produced for Buscando America
Estamos transmitiendo desde la Ciudad de México! y estuvimos con Narradoras Urbanas Mx en una celebración por los 501 años de la Noche Victoriosa. Escucha sobre el taller de cocina Prehispánica y Náhuatl que organizó esta colectiva. En esta emisión también escucharás a las ... Read more

Buscando America on 07/06/21

Airs at: Tue, 07/06/2021 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Produced for Buscando America
Estamos transmitiendo desde la Ciudad de México! y estuvimos con Narradoras Urbanas Mx en una celebración por los 501 años de la Noche Victoriosa. Escucha sobre el taller de cocina Prehispánica y Náhuatl que organizó esta colectiva. En esta emisión también escucharás a las ... Read more

Colombia Update

Airs at: Wed, 07/07/2021 at 12:00am - 12:30am
Produced for Century Of Lies
This week on Century of Lies we examine the protests rocking Colombia. Congress’s Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission held a hearing on the Colombia protests July First. We hear from three of the witnesses: Elizabeth Dickinson, a Senior Analyst for Colombia with the Internat... Read more

The Gap: Facebook Extremism Watch and Firework Alternatives

Airs at: Fri, 07/02/2021 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for The Gap
  On this episode of the Gap, Tammy and Althea start by talking about a new feature Facebook is testing out, where the site will ask you if your friend has become extremist, or warn you if you've seen extremist content recently. Suffice it to say that we don't love that, n... Read more

The Gap: Artivism with the Soul Box Project and Heatwave Preparation

Airs at: Fri, 06/25/2021 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for The Gap
  On this episode of the Gap, Tammy and Althea speak with Leslie Lee, the founder of the Soul Box Project. The Soul Box Project collects and exhibits thousands of hand-folded origami boxes to raise awareness of the U.S. gunfire epidemic. Each Soul Box holds space for one l... Read more

Jessica Abel - from the Archive

Airs at: Thu, 06/24/2021 at 11:15am - 12:45pm
Produced for Words and Pictures
  Artist, author, professor and creative coach Jessica Abel visited Portland in 2006 for the second annual Wordstock Literary Festival, where she unveiled her epic graphic novel La Perdida.  Jessica took the time to sit down with Bill Dodge and S.W. Conser to muse about yo... Read more

Of Women and Salt

Airs at: Mon, 06/28/2021 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Book Mole Larry Bowlden reviews Gabriela Garcia’s wonderful debut novel, Of Women and Salt, which is a series of interconnected stories spanning three generations of women living in Cuba and Miami. It is a story of captivity and the desire for flight and freedom, a story of... Read more

Elise Schumock of Rose City Book Pub on the Restaurant Revitalization Fund

Airs at: Wed, 06/23/2021 at 5:30pm - 5:45pm
Produced for Evening News, News In Depth
  As summer begins, we’re slowly emerging from the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us are returning to dine and shop indoors at restaurants and stores that were closed during the pandemic, or limited to take-out and delivery. Sadly, several of those restaurants... Read more