Our guest is poet, filmmaker, educator, retired therapist, and thought leader
– La Toya A. Hampton, MSW ~ The Poet Lady Rose. She is holding Rhymes and
Roots: Celebrating North Portland through Poetry Workshops through Sunday,
February 9.
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Our guest is Fern Capella Allen of the New Earth School PDX in Southeast
Portland. She’s crowdsourcing knowledge as a mutual aid project. You can
engage with them online, @newearthschoolpdx on Instagram and FB.
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Paul Susi of PDX ID Assistance helps unhoused people who've been swept by
the city's law enforcement and lost their crucial personal documents. He's
expanding his reach in the local community and has insight on aspects of
recovery that are not on the radar of many people.
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Our guest is Jeff Strang from Common Ground OR/WA, talking about land
ownership, wealth control, and taxes. He’s talking about a policy strategy
for Oregon like in Alaska, where residents get money every year through a tax
on the oil industry – except in Oregon it would be ...
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New documents show how a deceptive PR strategy pioneered in 1950s California
first exposed the risk of climate change and then helped the industry deny
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