


Open Signal, Portland Community Media Center

Open Signal is a media arts center in Portland, Oregon. Building upon the legacy of Portland Community Media, they carry a new vision for community-driven media focused on creativity, technology and social change. Read more

Clinton Street Theater

The Clinton Street Theater is one of the oldest operating moviehouses in the U.S. Featuring films and community events. KBOO @ The Clinton film screenings every second Thursday. Read more

Meet our Underwriters: Gazelle Natural Fibre Clothing

  A stalwart supporter of KBOO, Gazelle Natural Fibre Clothing has been delighting shoppers seeking clothing made from natural fabrics for decades.  Recently I was able to catch up with co-owner Byron Ady to learn more. JM: How long has Gazelle been in business? BA: Gaz... Read more

Meet our Underwriters: People's Food Co-op

  It would be hard to imagine a more like-minded organization than this month’s underwriter, People’s Food Co-op.  A member owned food cooperative, People’s is committed to providing access to sustainable food that people can trust, and I was able to learn about People’... Read more

Meet our Underwriters: Grendel's Coffee House

  Among all of our fabulous neighbors, we have a special relationship with Grendel’s Coffeehouse, and that’s not just because they provide KBOO with its coffee!  KBOO staff and volunteers have come to depend on Grendel’s for coffee, food, and drink day in and day out, a... Read more

Vote KBOO for Best of Portland 2019!

Thanks to our community members, listeners, and supporters, KBOO Community Radio has been nominated for BEST RADIO STATION in Willamette Week's Best of Portland Awards for 2019! Please vote for KBOO under Media and Entertainment Best Radio Station   KBOO Programs & Pro... Read more