Thank you for listening to "Indian Country"!!!


Thank you for listening to "Indian Country" !!!


Thank you for enjoying "Indian Country"!!

Thank you so much for the koodoos about the airing of "Indian Country". We try to bring you , our listener, modern, up- to- date info about the Native community and bring you musical guests often. We have been scheduled every-other Fri from 1:30-3:00pm, but we are not sure of the furture at this point.

We are now up against some heavy competion lately at KBOO. There are only two Native American programs on KBOO. One is ours and the other is on Thurs evenings at 6:00-7:00pm called " Mitakuye Oyasin ".

We hope that KBOO will keep  "Indian Country" on the Friday schedule, because we, as Natives, feel that we need the Indian information aired. Native American  information and news  is blacked out and censured on the three big networks.

This is one of the only places to hear good Native music -traditional and modern,  the Powwow announcments,  currents events and native news.

KBOO is looking for community support of this program, so your thoughts and the time you took to make this comment is appreciated and we are very grateful for your incouragement .

If you'd like to email Chris Merrick, who is the head of programing to keep "Indian Country" on the air and continue to fill the needs of the Indian community, you can do so at: .

His email is :

Wado and thank you, Samantha Cusi

Keep listening!!



Sure will.