Voices from the Edge


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Every Thursday from 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Progressive talk radio from a grassroots perspective

About the program …

Community dialogue is important. Voices from the Edge lends a KBOO microphone to informed guests you might not hear anywhere else. With an hour to invest, the call-in format engages listeners in meaningful conversations about crucial issues like racial disparity, government accountability, environmental justice and politics on local, state and national levels. Join lively discussions about concerns that are important to you and our community. Together we’ll make Oregon and our nation a better place for a larger number of those living here.

About the host

Jo Ann Hardesty is a Portland City Commissioner and Principal Partner at Consult Hardesty. She serves as a subject matter expert on a myriad of issues and is available as a speaker, facilitator and campaign planner. A long-time voice for Portland's under-represented communities and a leader in the struggle against racial and economic injustice, Jo Ann was three times elected to the Oregon legislature and for many years Executive Director of Oregon Action. She’s been called on by the City of Portland to help re-write the City Charter and organizes those on the downside of power to pursue their interests from the local to the federal level. She is particularly committed to leadership development and in holding those in power accountable.

Join the conversation …

Join the conversation every Thursday morning from 8-9 a.m. by calling 503-231-8187. Keep the conversation going after the program at our blog at kboo.fm/voicesfromtheedge.


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Voices from the Edge on 07/31/08

Airs at: Thu, 07/31/2008 at 7:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Oregon's initiative process was supposed to give Oregonians power over special interests but in recent years the opposite seems to be the case. Jo Ann and Dave will talk with Marcy Westerling of the Rural Organizing Project about two Columbia County ballot measures that pur... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 07/24/08

Airs at: Thu, 07/24/2008 at 7:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Over this summer, the Bush Legacy Tour Bus - a 45-foot long, biodiesel-fueled bus containing exhibits on topics ranging from Iraq to climate change - will be visiting over 150 cities to remind Americans about the disastrous policies of the past eight years and to make clear... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 07/17/08

Airs at: Thu, 07/17/2008 at 7:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Keeping the Oregon National Guard out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Also, "On the Road to Peace - Summer Theatre Arts Camp." Last May, over two-dozen Oregon-based community groups began working to keep the Oregon National Guard from being deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan by seek... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 07/10/08

Airs at: Thu, 07/10/2008 at 7:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Getting beyond campaign rhetoric about the economy: An Interview with Chuck Collins of the Institute for Policy Studies Host Dave Mazza speaks with Chuck Collins who directs the program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Washington DC-based Institute for Policy Studie... Read more

Candidates for WA State U.S. Congressional Representative Dist. 3

Airs at: Thu, 07/03/2008 at 12:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Hosts Dave Mazza and Jo Ann Bowman speak with two of the four candidates for Washington State U.S. Congressional Representative District 3; Cheryl Crist and Michael Delavar. Incumbant Brian Baird and candidate Christine Webb were unable to participate. Read more

Voices from the Edge on 06/19/08

Airs at: Thu, 06/19/2008 at 7:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Freedom of Speech and Civil Discourse - Must One Come at the Cost of the Other? Is the exercise of free speech destroying our ability to communicate with each other about important issues? Is the call for "civil discourse" just a way to shut down those who don't benefit from ... Read more

Civil Discourse vs. Free Speech

Airs at: Wed, 06/18/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Are civil discourse and free speech compatible? Is there a "New Anger" in the words of Peter Wood, author of "Bee in the Mouth; Anger in America Now?" This week on Voices on the Edge, Dave Mazza explores the challenges we face in a democratic society with respecting the rig... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 06/12/08

Airs at: Thu, 06/12/2008 at 7:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
What is Oregon doing to improve access to health care? In 2007, the Oregon legislature passed the Senate Bill 329, the Healthy Oregon Act, creating the Oregon Health Fund Board. The seven-member board is charged with developing a comprehensive plan to ensure access for all Or... Read more

Voices from the Edge on 06/05/08

Airs at: Thu, 06/05/2008 at 7:30am - 9:00am
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Is Portland running a stealth drug-free zone program? Last September the city council allowed the drug-free zone program to lapse when it was found that African Americans were more likely to be excluded than white Portlanders. A new effort the police and social services, howev... Read more

Laura Flanders on Positive Local Action

Airs at: Wed, 01/30/2008 at 4:00pm
Produced for Voices from the Edge
Hosts Jo Ann Bowman and Dave Mazza interview journalist and commentator Laura Flanders, author Blue Grit: True Democrats Take Back Politics from the Politicians as part of No Beginning Too Small, KBOO's special day of programming devoted to real solutions and alternatives. Read more