Century Of Lies is a weekly half-hour show focused on drug policy reform and the failed war on drugs. The show explores public health, criminal justice, social justice, and other policies related to drugs in the US and abroad, and includes news reports, commentary, interviews, and other recorded segments. Century of Lies is a production of the Drug Truth Network and is syndicated via the Pacifica Foundation Radio Network.
This week we come to you from Seattle Hempfest 2018, with exclusive live
audio from the annual Hempfest VIP/Speakers Party and activism awards
ceremony, featuring Ngaio Bealum, John Davis, Vivian McPeak, Danica Noble,
Sunil Aggarwal, and Jeff Steinborn.
Seattle Hempfest
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This week on Century: more exclusive coverage of Congressman Earl
Blumenauer's community forum on ending the war on drugs, which was held in
Portland, Oregon on August First, including audio from Portland Police Bureau
Deputy Chief Robert Day and Congressman Blumenauer.
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This week on Century, exclusive audio from Congressman Earl Blumenauer's
community forum on ending the war on drugs, which was held in Portland,
Oregon on August First. Speakers on this show include Congressman Blumenauer
and Bobbin Singh, executive director of the Oregon J...
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This week on Century of Lies we hear from Lynn Paltrow, founder and executive
director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women, and Dorothy E. Roberts, a
professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and author of Killing
the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and th...
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This week on Century of Lies, we hear a discussion about human rights in the
Philippines and the brutal campaign of terror and murder being carried out by
Philippine police under the orders of that nation's dictator, Rodrigo
Duterte; plus, we discuss the implementation of L...
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This week on Century of Lies, Congress debates HR6082, a measure that would
take away privacy protections from patients who are diagnosed with a
substance use disorder; plus, we hear about decriminalization and the
Republic of Ireland's national drug strategy.
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This week on Century of Lies we talk with the comedian, journalist, and
activist Ngaio Bealum about his new show on Netflix, Cooking On High; plus,
the UK House of Commons discusses the urgent need for drug safety testing at
music festivals.
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This week on Century, UN Office on Drugs and Crime Executive Director Yuri
Fedotov answers questions from reporters at a news conference to announce the
release of the UN's annual World Drug Report; plus, we look at new research
showing how the federal crackdown on pain med...
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This week: Dr. Dustin Sulak and Dr. Staci Gruber speaking about medical
cannabis at the Patients Out of Time National Clinical Conference on Cannabis
Therapeutics; plus Philip Alston, United Nations Special Rapporteur on
extreme poverty and human rights.
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This week: Dr. Malik Burnett speaking about the social determinants of
health, stigma, cultural competency, and medical cannabis; plus Tim Pate
performs "Let's All Be Farmers".
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