Century Of Lies is a weekly half-hour show focused on drug policy reform and the failed war on drugs. The show explores public health, criminal justice, social justice, and other policies related to drugs in the US and abroad, and includes news reports, commentary, interviews, and other recorded segments. Century of Lies is a production of the Drug Truth Network and is syndicated via the Pacifica Foundation Radio Network.
This week: The DPA held a news teleconference to announce the release of
their new report on decriminalizing drug use and possession in the US, so we
hear from Neill Franklin, Executive Director of Law Enforcement Action
Partnership, and Andrea Ritchie, a member of the Move...
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This week: the Oregon Legislature has passed a bill to force law enforcement
to begin addressing racial profiling, and which also reduces simple
possession of some drugs from a felony to a misdemeanor; plus the Oregon
Justice Resource Center has released a guide on organizi...
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This week we speak with Sarah Merrigan, who's an organizer and drug policy
reform activist in Nebraska; Energy Secretary Rick Perry compares state
marijuana legalization with state climate control legislation; and the United
Nations issues World Drug Report 2017.
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This week we remember a good friend, the drug policy reformer and marijuana
activist Mickey Martin, and present an interview with him from 2013. Plus,
June 26th is the Global Day of Action for Drug Policy Reform, so we speak
with Fergal Eccles of Students for Sensible Drug ...
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This week: Congressional appropriators question the Department of Justice
about drug policy and medical marijuana, plus members of Congress
re-introduce legislation to protect medical marijuana patients.
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This week we hear more from a debate on May 31 in the Irish Senate on a bill
to decriminalize simple personal possession of drugs, with speakers including
Senator Mark Daly, Senator Victor Boyhan, Ireland's Drug Czar Catherine
Byrne, and Senator Lynn Ruane.
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This week we hear from a debate in the Irish Senate regarding the Controlled
Drugs and Harm Reduction Bill 2017, featuring Senator Lynn Ruane, Senator
Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, and Senator Senator Niall O Donnghaile.
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This week on Century Of Lies, more from the Patients Out of Time National
Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics, with attorney and veteran
Brandon Wyatt and physician Dr. Rachel Knox, plus California Assemblyman Ken
Cooley on regulation of medical and non-medical can...
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This week we come to you live from the Patients Out of Time National Clinical
Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics #Patients2017, with Mary Lynn Mathre,
Laramie Silber, Mara Felsen, Sam Sabzehzar, and Amanda Reiman, plus Fred
Gardner with a Tribute to the Spirit of Propositi...
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This week: Attorney General J. Beauregard Sessions III talks drug war, while
journalist Maia Szalavitz talks sense.
Attorney General Memo on Department Charging and Sentencing Policy
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