Century Of Lies is a weekly half-hour show focused on drug policy reform and the failed war on drugs. The show explores public health, criminal justice, social justice, and other policies related to drugs in the US and abroad, and includes news reports, commentary, interviews, and other recorded segments. Century of Lies is a production of the Drug Truth Network and is syndicated via the Pacifica Foundation Radio Network.
This week: The feds release the results of the annual National Survey on Drug
Use and Health showing that in the time of legalization, use of marijuana and
other drugs by young people is declining; Senator Orrin Hatch
(R-UT) introduces a bill for pharmaceutical research on ...
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The #DisownStone campaign scored a win this week, we talk with Amanda Reiman,
PhD, about building a diverse, progressive cannabis industry, plus the
Rohrabacher-Blumenauer Amendment to protect medical cannabis programs is
blocked from consideration in the new budget so w...
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Live from Seattle, Washington, it's part three of our Hempfest 2017 Special
Coverage! This week, we feature audio from a panel at the Ric Smith Hemposium
Stage on Privilege and Inclusion in the Cannabis Industry, with: Betty
Aldworth, Executive Director of Students for Sens...
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Live from Seattle, Washington, it's Part Two of our special Hempfest 2017
coverage! This week, a panel on Cannabis and Media: Moving Beyond
Stereotypes, with Susan Squibb, Wes Abney, Ophelia Chong, Russ Belville,
Chris Conrad, and yours truly Doug McVay.
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This week, Century of Lies comes to you live from Seattle Hempfest! We speak
with Betty Aldworth about her new project #JustSayNoToHate, plus words from
Tim Pate, Elvy Musikka, Sharon Whitson, Ben Livingston, Vivian McPeak, and
John Davis.
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The administration wants to waive the medical privacy rights of people who
are prescribed opiates, so the president may be declaring a national
emergency over drugs.
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Seattle Hempfest will be held August 18, 19, and 20 in Washington state along
the Puget Sound, so this week we talk with Hempfest Executive Director Vivian
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The US House Oversight Committee looks at reauthorization of the Office of
National Drug Control Policy, and the Government Accountability Office
examines mismanagement of a federal program that puts military weapons into
the hands of local police.
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Last week the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission of the US House of
Representatives examined the thousands of murders as well as other human
rights abuses being committed by the Government of the Philippines and its
current president, Rodrigo Duterte. The witnesses testifie...
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This week: The DPA held a news teleconference to announce the release of
their new report on decriminalizing drug use and possession in the US, so we
hear from Neill Franklin, Executive Director of Law Enforcement Action
Partnership, and Andrea Ritchie, a member of the Move...
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