Century Of Lies is a weekly half-hour show focused on drug policy reform and the failed war on drugs. The show explores public health, criminal justice, social justice, and other policies related to drugs in the US and abroad, and includes news reports, commentary, interviews, and other recorded segments. Century of Lies is a production of the Drug Truth Network and is syndicated via the Pacifica Foundation Radio Network.
This week, we talk with Adam Smith from the Oregon Craft Cannabis Alliance
about marijuana, interstate exports, and inevitable federal legalization;
plus, more from the recent Commission on Narcotic Drugs intersessional
meetings in Vienna, Austria.
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This week on Century of Lies, live at the International Cannabis Business
Conference 2018 in Portland, Oregon, we talk with Washington state cannabis
cultivator Farmer Tom Lauerman; plus, Orsolya Feher from Students for
Sensible Drug Policy addresses the recent Commission o...
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This week on Century of Lies, live from the International Cannabis Business
Conference in Portland, Oregon, we talk about the cannabis industry and
social justice with Joseph Stovall II, an attorney and cannabis consultant
from Maryland. Plus, we hear a presentation from Vi...
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This week on Century of Lies we look at California's Assembly Bill 186, which
would allow the city and county of San Francisco to establish a supervised
consumption facility that would prevent drug overdose deaths. Governor Jerry
Brown has until September 30 to sign the mea...
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The new Drug Czar, James W. Carroll Jr., has been approved by the Senate
Judiciary Committee and is expected to be confirmed soon by the full Senate.
This week on Century of Lies we hear portions of his confirmation hearing,
and we hear Czar Carroll's take on the newly rele...
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September is Recovery Month, so this week on Century of Lies we speak with
Sheila Vakharia, PhD, Policy Manager of the Office of Academic Engagement at
the Drug Policy Alliance, about recovery, stigma, and harm reduction.
Drug Policy Alliance
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This week: we wrap up our coverage of Seattle Hempfest 2018 with an interview
with comedian and journalist Ngaio Bealum, plus we speak with BuzzFeed News
political affairs reporter Dominic Holden about a major story he broke
recently on secret White House plans to ratchet u...
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This week on Century, part two of our exclusive coverage of Seattle Hempfest
2018, with audio from journalist Martin Lee, co-founder and director of
Project CBD; Joelle Puccio, a registered nurse and harm reduction advocate;
and Michele Bedard-Gilligan, PhD, a professor at ...
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This week we come to you from Seattle Hempfest 2018, with exclusive live
audio from the annual Hempfest VIP/Speakers Party and activism awards
ceremony, featuring Ngaio Bealum, John Davis, Vivian McPeak, Danica Noble,
Sunil Aggarwal, and Jeff Steinborn.
Seattle Hempfest
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